Aluminium alloy sheets for beverage closure

G81 / G81 G811 / G811 3105 / 3105
aluminium / aluminium <chemical name>

For product size, lot size, etc., please contact our sales team with your requirements.

Grade, Series, Type

Alloy Typical Tensile
Reference Value
G81 125 12 A material with excellent workability that fits well around the mouth of a bottle
G811 140 8 A material that is stronger and thinner than G81
G812 150 8 A material that is stronger and thinner than G811
3105 160 8 A material used for high-strength applications

SC201 (zirconium film), a base treatment with excellent printing adhesion, is standard.
For the surface gloss, you can select between MF and HB.


Alloy Applications
G81 Liquor bottle caps, PP caps for low-carbonated beverages, caps for ringer's solution, etc.
G811 Liquor bottle caps, PP caps for low-carbonated beverages, etc.
G812 Liquor bottle caps, PP caps for low-carbonated beverages, etc.
3105 Screw caps, PP caps for high-carbonated beverages, bottle cans, etc.



Storage conditions, etc.

Store in a dry place. Do not get wet (it will corrode).


The basic packing method is clamps, but we can also provide packaging according to your needs.

CAS Reg#


Contact Information

Marketing Department, Sheet Product Group

*The data shown on this page and in the attached files are representative values, not guaranteed values.

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